Energy and transport

As we navigate the transition towards sustainable energy and transport systems, the stakes are high for our planet and future generations. This shift is not just about reducing emissions but about creating a more resilient, efficient, and equitable infrastructure that underpins the wellbeing of our communities and the economy.  

Our work in the energy and transport sectors is driven by a deep understanding of the complexities involved in moving towards renewable sources of energy and low to no-emissions transport system, and the need to take an integrated and strategic approach to this transition.  

We have worked with governments at all levels on projects that help communities to transition to cleaner, greener energy and transport options. Our approaches include (and often combine) community and stakeholder engagement, collaborative problem-solving and strategic design, to reimagine how we produce, consume, and think about energy and transport. We believe these processes will help to support a smoother transition to green alternatives, while fostering a sense of shared responsibility towards a more sustainable future.

We can help with
  • Consultations to inform clean energy and transport initiatives  
  • Behaviour change strategies and interventions  
  • Communicating energy and transport programs
Get in touch with our experts
Sam Hodgkins
Senior Design and Engagement Consultant
Master of Social Marketing, Bachelor Communications
Steven Speldewinde
Director of Digital and Innovation (and CFO / COO)
BSc, LLB (Hons), MSc (Entrepreneurship)
steve@thesocialdeck.com0421 243 418

A selection of our work in

Energy and transport

Our specialty areas