Justice and human rights

Justice and Human Rights are fundamental to a fair, equitable and safe society. At The Social Deck we are committed to working to address the systemic barriers that perpetuate discrimination and disadvantage.

We are proud to work with organisations that are deeply involved in delivering work that is critical to upholding the principles of justice and human rights, including the Australian Human Rights Commission (AHRC). We have delivered more than 150 hours of pro-bono services to support the vital work of the AHRC since 2021.

The Social Deck team is highly experienced working in complex and intersectional areas. This includes disability rights; prevention and responses to domestic, family and sexual violence against women and children; engagement for the Royal Commission into Defence and Veteran Suicide and terms of reference for the Royal Commission into Violence, Abuse, Neglect and Exploitation of People with Disability.; co-developing the Survivor Service Charter for the National Redress Scheme and consultations to develop the NDIS Participant Service Guarantee.

Working with Australian Government departments, we’ve also led the consultations for the most recent 5-yearly Reviews of the three different Disability Standards under the Disability Discrimination Act—the Disability Standards for Education, the Premises (Building Standards) and the Accessible Transport Standards. This work makes sure that people with disability and other community members and sectors have a voice about whether or not the standards are working to uphold their rights and ensure schools and other education settings, buildings and public transport are safe and accessible for all people with disability.

We can help with
Get in touch with our experts
Sandra Jbeili
Senior Communication Consultant
Kate Bowmaker
Managing Director & Director of Communications
20 years experience
kate@thesocialdeck.com0435 038 720

A selection of our work in

Justice and human rights

Our specialty areas