Since 2014 we have worked with Nunkuwarrin Yunti, a community-controlled Aboriginal health organisation to develop and implement social marketing campaigns and behaviour change tactics to tackle Indigenous smoking rates in Adelaide.
This has involved a community-based social marketing approach in research analysis, segmentation, design and implementation of the ‘Don’t Let Your Dreams Go Up in Smokes’ campaign, engaging young people and influencers in place-based and online activities.
The campaign raised awareness of the impact of smoking and empowered young people to change their own behaviour and have a positive influence on peers. Tactics ranged from social media content, online and event-based competitions and message boards and utilising ‘champions’, and partnering with local schools to reach the target audience.
An evaluation less than one year after the campaign showed it had reached over 2000 students within 20 schools. There was an increase in target audience awareness of smoking risks and commitments to staying smoke-free.
More information about the research insights and campaign results is available on our blog.
Since 2014 we have worked with Nunkuwarrin Yunti, a community-controlled Aboriginal health organisation to develop and implement social marketing campaigns and behaviour change tactics to tackle Indigenous smoking rates in Adelaide.