National Housing and Homelessness Plan

Aerial view of a suburban neighbourhood on a sunny day showcasing a variety of houses with colourful gardens and different roofing styles. A notable presence of greenery is visible in the area.

The Social Deck supported the Department of Social Services in developing the National Housing and Homelessness Plan by planning and undertaking engagement with more than 1700 participants through 73 events across Australia and an online submission process.  

This community and stakeholder engagement project is helping to inform the new National Housing and Homelessness Plan (under development). The plan aims to help more Australians access affordable housing and reduce homelessness and is set to be released in 2024.

We applied our inclusive engagement approach to ensure a diverse range of stakeholders and communities could participate.

We produced engagement material, based on the discussion paper, including a summary document of 16 pages in plain English, conversation cards for use at events and established online engagement tools to support people to have their say.  

In addition to open community forums and stakeholder roundtables in each state and territory, our engagement included targeted conversations with:

  • First Nations communities (Yarning circles)
  • Culturally and linguistically diverse communities
  • People who identify as LGBTQI+
  • Veterans
  • People with disabilities
  • Regional and remote communities
  • Youth

In addition, we designed and facilitated a Ministerial event with young people in Tasmania, and discussions with housing and homelessness experts.

The Social Deck managed all components of the engagement, from the initial development of the engagement and consultation plan, through to facilitation of events, and analysis and reporting.  

With thousands of data points, we establish a robust analysis process to collate and analyse all data from the roundtables and community events. We also worked with our partners at MP Consulting for the analysis of written submissions from stakeholders and community members and responses to the questionnaire.

These have been compiled into a comprehensive report with a plain English summary report available on the DSS website.

How can we help?
Patrick Wuertz
Practice Manager
Steven Speldewinde
Director of Digital and Innovation (and CFO / COO)
steve@thesocialdeck.com0421 243 418


The Social Deck was engaged by the Department of Social Services to design and facilitate consultation activities to develop the National Housing and Homelessness Plan


Department of Social Services


National consultation processes
Stakeholder engagement
Community development
Communication Strategy
Collaborative workshops & events
Engagement strategy
Evaluation advice & planning
Accessible engagement
First Nations Engagement
Plain English services

Sustainable Development Goal
