Communication to increase participation in the National Cervical Screening Program

Nine cartoon figures from diverse backgrounds and with a variety of abilities.

Cervical cancer is one of the most preventable cancers. Most cervical cancers occur in people who have a cervix who have never screened or don’t have one regularly.

We conducted research to determine the most effective communication approaches and messages to encourage people with a cervix overdue for a screening, or who hadn’t been screened before, to participate.

We conducted a rapid literature review to identify behaviours, barriers and enablers to participation. These insights informed our approach to interviews with representative stakeholder groups.

Our research and communications teams collaborated to create a series of communication materials targeting different key barriers and enablers to screening.

We tested these materials through focus groups and an online randomised control trial survey to understand the efficacy and acceptability of the materials. Research findings were provided to the Department in a comprehensive research report.

We delivered two communication packages to the Department to roll out as part of a pilot program in 2021.

Printed version of the materials, showing photos and text
Printed version of materials, showing text and graphics
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The Social Deck was engaged by the Department of Health to design and test communication materials to increase participation in the National Cervical Screening Program.


Department of Health


Behaviour change programs
Communication Strategy
Content creation
Product development
Stakeholder engagement

Sustainable Development Goal
